concursos, exposições, curiosidades... sobre arte
escolhidos por MARIA PINTO
(Maria Regina Pinto Pereira)
escolhidos por MARIA PINTO
(Maria Regina Pinto Pereira)
terça-feira, 3 de março de 2015
movement to create art memorializing the 43 student teachers in Ayotzinapa, Mexico
Dear Printmakers,
There is a movement to create art memorializing the 43 student teachers in Ayotzinapa, Mexico who were murdered last year. We would like to organize a local (Monterey and SF Bay area) printmaking response, and invite you to participate. (To clarify, we are organizing shows in this area, but artists from further afield are welcome to participate.)
The goal will be to arrange some traveling exhibits of these prints, with information describing the crisis in Mexico.
Here are the details:
You will make a small edition portraying or commemorating one of the students
Any type of printmaking is fine, with the paper size of 11 x 15 " (1/4 sheet of BFK, for example). The image size can be anything that fits, even a bleed print. Your choice, color or black and white.
We would like to have 4 prints -- you may make a larger edition of course and just send in the four.
We are also asking for a contribution of $20 to pay for framing for exhibits requiring frames. Some venues, such as libraries, have glass cases that wouldn't require framing, but others might require it.
Deadline for turning in work: May 10th, if you would like to be in the first exhibit we have scheduled. May 30 submissions can join an exhibit in June.
Once you sign up, we will send you a link to a Google doc where you can choose the name of the student who will be the subject of your work.
We have arranged some venues for exhibition in Santa Cruz, but would welcome your suggestions for exhibit spaces in other areas.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in participating, by emailing Stephanie at or Melissa at
Many thanks,
Melissa West 831-319-0206
Stephanie Martin 831 426-2495
There is a movement to create art memorializing the 43 student teachers in Ayotzinapa, Mexico who were murdered last year. We would like to organize a local (Monterey and SF Bay area) printmaking response, and invite you to participate. (To clarify, we are organizing shows in this area, but artists from further afield are welcome to participate.)
The goal will be to arrange some traveling exhibits of these prints, with information describing the crisis in Mexico.
Here are the details:
You will make a small edition portraying or commemorating one of the students
Any type of printmaking is fine, with the paper size of 11 x 15 " (1/4 sheet of BFK, for example). The image size can be anything that fits, even a bleed print. Your choice, color or black and white.
We would like to have 4 prints -- you may make a larger edition of course and just send in the four.
We are also asking for a contribution of $20 to pay for framing for exhibits requiring frames. Some venues, such as libraries, have glass cases that wouldn't require framing, but others might require it.
Deadline for turning in work: May 10th, if you would like to be in the first exhibit we have scheduled. May 30 submissions can join an exhibit in June.
Once you sign up, we will send you a link to a Google doc where you can choose the name of the student who will be the subject of your work.
We have arranged some venues for exhibition in Santa Cruz, but would welcome your suggestions for exhibit spaces in other areas.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in participating, by emailing Stephanie at or Melissa at
Many thanks,
Melissa West 831-319-0206
Stephanie Martin 831 426-2495
segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2015
Oficina de Fotogravura (Photoetched), com Célia Saito - SP

Oficina de Fotogravura (Photoetched), com Célia Saito
A técnica de fotogravura que será mostrada aqui é Fruto de uma pesquisa realizada com materiais acessíveis e de custo baixo. O objetivo desta oficina não é só entrar em contato com as possíveis técnicas de fotogravura como também passar conhecimentos não somente para o uso de artistas em suas poéticas mas também para possivelmente estes conhecimentos serem replicado.
1 - O que é. Como funciona os processos de fotogravura | Introdução a técnica de transferência de imagem para a placa de metal | Preparação e escolha dos originais fotográfico e manuseio de material digital para pré impressão através de um programa de editor de imagem
2 - Preparação do material para impressão (placa de cobre ou latão) | Transferência de imagem e corrosão da placa | Dia de impressão e finalização dos trabalhos
PÚBLICO: Oficina direcionada a estudantes, artistas em formação, artistas, educadores ou qualquer interessado no processo.
Carga Horária da Atividade: 9h
Duração do Projeto: 27 e 28 de março de 2015 (sexta e sábado) | das 19h às 22h (sexta) e das 11h às 17h (sábado, com intervalo de almoço)
Preço por Aluno: R$ 300,00
Material: R$ 70,00
Forma de Pagamento: Á vista com 5% de desconto ou em até 2x
Célia Saito é artista visual que vive e trabalha em São Paulo.
Estudou Artes Plásticas na FAAP. Trabalhou como designer de embalagens, restauradora de fotografia e desde 1985 trabalha como fotografa comercial. Foi professora de fotografia no SENAC e Oficinas Culturais do Estado de São Paulo.
Em seu trabalho como artista traça relações entre o conceito e o experimentalismo, sobre suportes como fotografia, gravura, objetos e instalação.
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