concursos, exposições, curiosidades... sobre arte
escolhidos por MARIA PINTO
(Maria Regina Pinto Pereira)
escolhidos por MARIA PINTO
(Maria Regina Pinto Pereira)
sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2014
Translitorânea - Andrea Eichenberger - SC
Retratos do Brasil
Mostra “Translitorânea”, de Andrea Eichenberger, alia arte e antropologia
O projeto Translitorânea, de Andrea Eichenberger, que conquistou o Prêmio Funarte Mulheres nas Artes Visuais 2013, irá inaugurar a sala Mutações do Museu da Escola
Catarinense, no centro de Florianópolis (SC), no dia 13 de março, às 19h. A exposição da artista de Santa Catarina reunirá imagens fotográficas captadas ao longo da BR-101, uma das maiores rodovias do Brasil que corta o país de norte a sul. Com uma extensão de 4.542 quilômetros, ela segue o litoral em seu sentido longitudinal, com ponto inicial em Touros (RN) e término em São José do Norte (RS). Na mostra “Translitorânea”, o público poderá observar a margem da rodovia de maneira particular, para além de um lugar de passagem.
Das centenas de fotos coletadas na viagem, 30 foram selecionadas pelo curador Michel Poivert, crítico e historiador da arte, professor na Universidade de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. Com o foco na vida, as imagens apontam para singularidades visuais, à diversidade sociocultural, interligam diferenças, semelhanças e contrastes. O trabalho estabelece um ponto de encontro entre a arte e a antropologia e inscreve-se nas discussões atuais sobre fotografia documental.
O edital Prêmio Funarte Mulheres nas Artes Visuais, voltado para pessoas do sexo feminino, teve abrangência nacional. Dez projetos foram contemplados com o objetivo de valorizar a prática de linguagens artísticas, a reflexão crítica e a profissionalização dos processos de gestão cultural. Realizado pela Fundação Nacional de Artes – Funarte, em parceria com o Ministério da Cultura e a Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulheres, o edital contribui para o fomento, a difusão da expressão artística e o reconhecimento das mulheres nas artes visuais.
O prêmio permitiu concluir a documentação fotográfica de Andrea Eichenberger
iniciada em 2012. A etapa final ocorreu entre dezembro de 2013 e janeiro de 2014.
“A experiência do encontro situa-se no centro de minhas práticas e pesquisas artísticas.
É a partir das trocas com o outro que procuro levantar questões sobre a existência humana e suas relações com o mundo, ora com um olhar poético, ora com um olhar crítico e político”, conta Andrea que estudou artes visuais com doutorado em antropologia visual realizado entre o Brasil e a França.
A viagem e a fotografia são considerados meios de aproximação aos lugares e às suas gentes, a estrada torna-se o palco de uma road trip marcada por histórias de vida que destacam a diversidade geográfica e socioeconômica brasileira.
A exposição é uma realização da Taramela com o apoio do Museu da Escola Catarinense/Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Museu de Arte de Santa
Catarina, Museu da Imagem e do Som de Santa Catarina, Multicor, Festival de
Fotografia Floripa na Foto, NProduções, Brandão Fotografia, Arpia, Navi e Espaço
Ficha técnica:
Artista/fotógrafa: Andrea Eichenberger
Curadoria: Michel Poivert
Co-curadoria: Lucila Horn e Lu Renata
Coordenação: Lucila Horn
Produção: Lu Renata
Assistente: Alexandre Bresson
Designer gráfico: Daniela Souto/Camila Paz
Impressão e tratamento de imagem: Endrigo Righeto
Edição de vídeo: Raphael Milian
Assessoria de imprensa:Néri Pedroso
Serviço - Exposição
O quê: Mostra “Translitorânea”
Quando: 13/3/2014, 19h (abertura). Até 11/4/2014, segunda a sexta, 14h às 19h
Onde: Sala Mutações (3º piso), Museu da Escola Catarinense, rua Saldanha Marinho, 196,
Centro, Florianópolis (SC)
Quanto: Gratuito
Serviço - Conversa de boteco
O quê: Conversa de boteco com a artista
Quando: 18/3/2014, 19h30
Onde: Kibelândia, rua Victor Meirelles, 98, Centro, Florianópolis (SC)
Quanto: Consumo à parte.
Saiba mais:
Imprensa NProduções Néri Pedroso (jorn.)
Skype: neripedroso
Face: Néri Pedroso (48) 9911-9837/3248-4158
Estrellita B. Brodsky Curator of Latin American Art Modern & Contemporary Art
Estrellita B. Brodsky Curator of Latin American Art
Modern & Contemporary Art
Application deadline: Monday, March 31, 2014, 6pm
The Metropolitan Museum of Art1000 5th Ave
New York, NY 10028
Modern & Contemporary Art
Application deadline: Monday, March 31, 2014, 6pm
The Metropolitan Museum of Art1000 5th Ave
New York, NY 10028
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of the world’s finest museums, seeks a specialist in twentieth- and twenty-first-century art of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America. In this respect, the Curator will work closely with the Chairman and will participate in active research, development, and management of the Modern and Contemporary collection and the Breuer project, major special exhibitions, initiation of collection displays, publications and interpretation, and all activities of the Department. Reports to the Chairman of Modern and Contemporary Art.
Primary responsibilities and duties:–Working closely with the Chairman and other Curators, assist with the management of the Modern and Contemporary Department
–Lead departmental collection and research strategies with respect to Latin American art
–Initiate and curate major special exhibitions for the Breuer project
–Devise and plan collection displays and other projects for Modern & Contemporary
–Initiate special exhibitions including research, catalog entries and other texts for Museum Programs
–Cultivate new relationships and maintain existing connections with donors, patrons, collectors, colleagues from other international institutions, the scholarly community, dealers, and other individuals involved with the interests of the Museum
–Act as editor, key author, and essayist as appropriate for major exhibition catalogues and other specialized publications, including online content
–On behalf of Chairman, oversee and expedite correspondence related to the Collection and to Modern and Contemporary programs
–Contribute to public programs (Learning, Volunteers, Visiting Scholars, etc.) as appropriate
–According to Modern & Contemporary Department objectives, interact with potential sponsors and assist with fundraising as appropriate
–Advise on planning programs for Modern and Contemporary Department patrons' groups
–Other related duties
Requirements and qualifications:
Experience and skills:–Minimum ten years of experience (preferably fifteen) in a museum or academic institution
–Demonstrated scholarly achievement and extensive published record, including evidence of original research
–Demonstrated engagement with theory and international practice across the world
–Experience initiating and executing major and relevant loan exhibitions with broad international scope
–Demonstrated commitment to broad international engagement and learning
–Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with colleagues across the Museum and externally with artists, scholars, donors, and the general public
–Ability to create and maintain precise and widely researched records
Knowledge and education:–PhD (or equivalent) history of art
–Deep expertise in twentieth- and twenty-first-century Latin American art required
–Broad knowledge of international modern and contemporary culture
–Fluency in Spanish required, knowledge of additional languages preferred
–Excellent written and spoken English
Application deadline: Monday, March 31, 6pm
The Estrellita B. Brodsky Curator for Latin American Art for the Modern & Contemporary Department is full-time and includes full benefits. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Send cover letter, indicating position of interest, resume, and salary history to as a Word attachment only with "Estrellita B. Brodsky Curator/Latin Amer Art" in the subject line.
Primary responsibilities and duties:–Working closely with the Chairman and other Curators, assist with the management of the Modern and Contemporary Department
–Lead departmental collection and research strategies with respect to Latin American art
–Initiate and curate major special exhibitions for the Breuer project
–Devise and plan collection displays and other projects for Modern & Contemporary
–Initiate special exhibitions including research, catalog entries and other texts for Museum Programs
–Cultivate new relationships and maintain existing connections with donors, patrons, collectors, colleagues from other international institutions, the scholarly community, dealers, and other individuals involved with the interests of the Museum
–Act as editor, key author, and essayist as appropriate for major exhibition catalogues and other specialized publications, including online content
–On behalf of Chairman, oversee and expedite correspondence related to the Collection and to Modern and Contemporary programs
–Contribute to public programs (Learning, Volunteers, Visiting Scholars, etc.) as appropriate
–According to Modern & Contemporary Department objectives, interact with potential sponsors and assist with fundraising as appropriate
–Advise on planning programs for Modern and Contemporary Department patrons' groups
–Other related duties
Requirements and qualifications:
Experience and skills:–Minimum ten years of experience (preferably fifteen) in a museum or academic institution
–Demonstrated scholarly achievement and extensive published record, including evidence of original research
–Demonstrated engagement with theory and international practice across the world
–Experience initiating and executing major and relevant loan exhibitions with broad international scope
–Demonstrated commitment to broad international engagement and learning
–Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with colleagues across the Museum and externally with artists, scholars, donors, and the general public
–Ability to create and maintain precise and widely researched records
Knowledge and education:–PhD (or equivalent) history of art
–Deep expertise in twentieth- and twenty-first-century Latin American art required
–Broad knowledge of international modern and contemporary culture
–Fluency in Spanish required, knowledge of additional languages preferred
–Excellent written and spoken English
Application deadline: Monday, March 31, 6pm
The Estrellita B. Brodsky Curator for Latin American Art for the Modern & Contemporary Department is full-time and includes full benefits. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Send cover letter, indicating position of interest, resume, and salary history to as a Word attachment only with "Estrellita B. Brodsky Curator/Latin Amer Art" in the subject line.
Prix Elysée with the support of Parmigiani Fleurier
Prix Elysée with the support of Parmigiani Fleurier
Application deadline: 25 April 2014
Musée de l'Elysée18, avenue de l'Elysée
1014 Lausanne
Application deadline: 25 April 2014
Musée de l'Elysée18, avenue de l'Elysée
1014 Lausanne
The Musée de l'Elysée in Lausanne, Switzerland, is launching a new photography prize!
Through our exhibitions and our major summer event the Nuit des images, the Musée de l’Elysée supports photographers in the production of their work. A photography prize is another way to fulfill this fundamental mission of our institution. It is in a shared commitment to foster creativity and new work that the Musée de l’Elysée enters into a partnership with Parmigiani Fleurier to launch the Prix Elysée.
"At the Musée de l'Elysée, we think that supporting photographers in the evolution of their career is as important as preserving their art for future generations."
–Sam Stourdzé, Director
The Prix Elysée is open to promising photographers or artists using photography, regardless of nationality, who have already enjoyed their first exhibitions and publications. Photographers must be recommended by a reputed professional in the fields of photography, contemporary art, cinema, fashion, journalism or publishing. There is no imposed theme or preference for any particular photographic genre or technique.
The Musée de l'Elysée will select eight nominees upon their entry portfolios. Each will receive a contribution of CHF 5,000 towards the initial presentation of an original and new project in the nominees' book, published for the occasion. This book will accompany the nominees' complete portfolios in the final consideration before the jury of experts. The winner will receive CHF 80,000 to be divided between the completion of the proposed project and the publication of the accompanying book within one year. A curator from the Musée de l'Elysée will advise the winner throughout this process. Both the project and book will be presented at one of the museum's most important events, the Nuit des images. The nominees' and the winner's books will be printed by one of the Sandoz Family Foundation printing companies.
Applicants may download the official rules for the Prix Elysée at
For more information about the Nuit des images:
Timeline:3 February–25 April 2014
Application submission.
Late June 2014
Announcement of the eight Prix Elysée nominees at the Nuit des images.
January 2015
Presentation of the Prix Elysée nominees' book at the Musée de l'Elysée and the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie in Geneva in collaboration with Parmigiani Fleurier
Late June 2015
Announcement of the Prix Elysée winner at the Nuit des images
Late June 2016
Presentation of the awarded project and publication at the Nuit des images
Through our exhibitions and our major summer event the Nuit des images, the Musée de l’Elysée supports photographers in the production of their work. A photography prize is another way to fulfill this fundamental mission of our institution. It is in a shared commitment to foster creativity and new work that the Musée de l’Elysée enters into a partnership with Parmigiani Fleurier to launch the Prix Elysée.
"At the Musée de l'Elysée, we think that supporting photographers in the evolution of their career is as important as preserving their art for future generations."
–Sam Stourdzé, Director
The Prix Elysée is open to promising photographers or artists using photography, regardless of nationality, who have already enjoyed their first exhibitions and publications. Photographers must be recommended by a reputed professional in the fields of photography, contemporary art, cinema, fashion, journalism or publishing. There is no imposed theme or preference for any particular photographic genre or technique.
The Musée de l'Elysée will select eight nominees upon their entry portfolios. Each will receive a contribution of CHF 5,000 towards the initial presentation of an original and new project in the nominees' book, published for the occasion. This book will accompany the nominees' complete portfolios in the final consideration before the jury of experts. The winner will receive CHF 80,000 to be divided between the completion of the proposed project and the publication of the accompanying book within one year. A curator from the Musée de l'Elysée will advise the winner throughout this process. Both the project and book will be presented at one of the museum's most important events, the Nuit des images. The nominees' and the winner's books will be printed by one of the Sandoz Family Foundation printing companies.
Applicants may download the official rules for the Prix Elysée at
For more information about the Nuit des images:
Timeline:3 February–25 April 2014
Application submission.
Late June 2014
Announcement of the eight Prix Elysée nominees at the Nuit des images.
January 2015
Presentation of the Prix Elysée nominees' book at the Musée de l'Elysée and the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie in Geneva in collaboration with Parmigiani Fleurier
Late June 2015
Announcement of the Prix Elysée winner at the Nuit des images
Late June 2016
Presentation of the awarded project and publication at the Nuit des images
Fonte: E-Flux
Geneva University School of Art and Design
Geneva University School of Art and Design
CCC Research Master's Programme seeks a professor (HEC)/coordinator
The CCC (Critical Curatorial Cybermedia Studies) Research Master's Programme has a long and respected history, reinforced by sustained confidence in its art teaching based on transdisciplinarity. It trains thinkers and practitioners whose critical skills and imagination interact with world futures. It contributes to the advancement of research through art by initiating subsidized projects that ensure continuity, and through the publication of research summaries (Actes de recherche). It is an actor in a dynamic network of professional relationships within the academic world and with civic, regional and international initiatives.
Activity level: 75%
Job description HEAD is seeking a HES professor (Swiss University of Applied Sciences) in the domain of fine arts and critical studies, widened to include the fields of culture, politics and ecology, and encompassing research based on artistic knowledge and savoir-faire. The candidate (theorist or artist) should possess artistic and/or research skills and be able to direct research (PhD/Swiss National Science Foundation projects).
He/she will ensure the artistic, conceptual, educational and administrative management of the programme. He/she should be committed to renewing the teaching programme while respecting the progress already achieved. The candidate should be able to communicate the transdisciplinary objectives and the strategic vision of the CCC Research Master's Programme.
The position will entail teaching, research and the coordination of the programme in a spirit of collegiality, reporting to the Director of the University and the Head of the Department of Fine Arts.
Principal responsibilities
Teaching:–Teaching across the range of transdisciplinary forms and responsibility for the Master's and predoctoral teaching programmes
–Continuous monitoring of academic programmes and of their development; progressive implementation of e-learning platforms
–Development of educational and academic partnerships with other institutions and civil society communities
–Participation in educational and administrative sessions at HEAD
Research:–Development and implementation of research projects through art
–Dissemination and optimization of their results through peer-reviewed publications, articles, symposiums and conferences, exhibitions, etc. at the national and international level
Programme administration (in cooperation with the assistant coordinator):–General coordination of the CCC Programme
–Organisation of admission and evaluation sessions
–General administration and financial monitoring of the programme
–Coordination of the editorial board of the Newsletter, research summaries, progress report and website
–Recruitment of assistants and invited professors
–Maintaining relationships with alumni
Profile (qualifications and skills):The candidate, holder of a doctorate/PhD, or with experience of practice-led artistic research deemed equivalent, should be the author of projects in the field of art as well as of peer-reviewed publications. His/her curriculum vitae should provide evidence of teaching experience, inter- and transdisciplinary research and regular invitations to teach in his/her areas of competence. He/she is required to have experience in international (including non-Western) contexts and should demonstrate initiative and the ability to work as part of a team.
He/she should be collegial, proactive and committed to becoming a fully-integrated member of the institution and to developing good relations with associates within the programme's international network. He/she should have good communication skills and the ability to develop a compelling vision of the future of artistic disciplines and their changing role in the Swiss and international higher education context.
Oral and written proficiency in the languages of the CCC Programme (French/English) are required, while command of German would be an asset.
The candidate should reside or wish to settle in Geneva.
Geneva University of Art and Design welcomes applications from individuals who will contribute to its diversity.
Start date: 1 September 2014
Deadline for applications: 21 April 2014
Completed applications (cover letter, CV, copies of qualifications, list of publications) should be sent to:
Jean-Pierre Greff, Director
15 Boulevard James-Fazy
1201 Geneva
Activity level: 75%
Job description HEAD is seeking a HES professor (Swiss University of Applied Sciences) in the domain of fine arts and critical studies, widened to include the fields of culture, politics and ecology, and encompassing research based on artistic knowledge and savoir-faire. The candidate (theorist or artist) should possess artistic and/or research skills and be able to direct research (PhD/Swiss National Science Foundation projects).
He/she will ensure the artistic, conceptual, educational and administrative management of the programme. He/she should be committed to renewing the teaching programme while respecting the progress already achieved. The candidate should be able to communicate the transdisciplinary objectives and the strategic vision of the CCC Research Master's Programme.
The position will entail teaching, research and the coordination of the programme in a spirit of collegiality, reporting to the Director of the University and the Head of the Department of Fine Arts.
Principal responsibilities
Teaching:–Teaching across the range of transdisciplinary forms and responsibility for the Master's and predoctoral teaching programmes
–Continuous monitoring of academic programmes and of their development; progressive implementation of e-learning platforms
–Development of educational and academic partnerships with other institutions and civil society communities
–Participation in educational and administrative sessions at HEAD
Research:–Development and implementation of research projects through art
–Dissemination and optimization of their results through peer-reviewed publications, articles, symposiums and conferences, exhibitions, etc. at the national and international level
Programme administration (in cooperation with the assistant coordinator):–General coordination of the CCC Programme
–Organisation of admission and evaluation sessions
–General administration and financial monitoring of the programme
–Coordination of the editorial board of the Newsletter, research summaries, progress report and website
–Recruitment of assistants and invited professors
–Maintaining relationships with alumni
Profile (qualifications and skills):The candidate, holder of a doctorate/PhD, or with experience of practice-led artistic research deemed equivalent, should be the author of projects in the field of art as well as of peer-reviewed publications. His/her curriculum vitae should provide evidence of teaching experience, inter- and transdisciplinary research and regular invitations to teach in his/her areas of competence. He/she is required to have experience in international (including non-Western) contexts and should demonstrate initiative and the ability to work as part of a team.
He/she should be collegial, proactive and committed to becoming a fully-integrated member of the institution and to developing good relations with associates within the programme's international network. He/she should have good communication skills and the ability to develop a compelling vision of the future of artistic disciplines and their changing role in the Swiss and international higher education context.
Oral and written proficiency in the languages of the CCC Programme (French/English) are required, while command of German would be an asset.
The candidate should reside or wish to settle in Geneva.
Geneva University of Art and Design welcomes applications from individuals who will contribute to its diversity.
Start date: 1 September 2014
Deadline for applications: 21 April 2014
Completed applications (cover letter, CV, copies of qualifications, list of publications) should be sent to:
Jean-Pierre Greff, Director
15 Boulevard James-Fazy
1201 Geneva
Call for entries for Contemporary Art Society Annual Award 2014
Call for entries for Contemporary Art Society Annual Award 2014
Proposal deadline: 23 May 2014, 5pm
Contemporary Art Society59 Central Street
London EC1V 3AF
T +(0) 20 7017 8400
Facebook / Twitter
Proposal deadline: 23 May 2014, 5pm
Contemporary Art Society59 Central Street
London EC1V 3AF
T +(0) 20 7017 8400
Facebook / Twitter
The Contemporary Art Society is now calling for entries to the Contemporary Art Society Annual Award 2014—a unique commissioning award in the UK.
Established in 2009 and generously supported by the Sfumato Foundation, the award offers 40,000 GBP to a regional museum to commission a major new artwork for their permanent collection. The award encourages museums to collaborate with an artist who is not yet well represented in museum collections in this country. The selected artist will gain an important opportunity to work on a high-profile project with nationwide press exposure. The successful museum will acquire an ambitious work of enduring importance both nationally and internationally.
The award is announced each November in a ceremony attended by artists, museum and gallery professionals and key figures from the art world. Previous recipients of the award include Katerina Šedá with The Graves Art Gallery, Museums Sheffield (2009); Luke Fowler with Hepworth Wakefield and Wolverhampton Art Gallery (2010); Christina Mackie with Nottingham Castle Museum & Art Gallery (2011); Oliver Laric with The Collection & Usher Gallery (2012); and last year's winners, Elizabeth Price with the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in partnership with the Pitt Rivers Museum and the Ruskin School of Drawing & Fine Art.
Previous presenters of the award include Grayson Perry, Cornelia Parker, Jeremy Deller and Mark Wallinger.
Elizabeth Price, the 2013 winner, is currently working on her commission for the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in Oxford. Price will create a significant new moving image work that explores the archives and collections of the Ashmolean and Pitt Rivers museums. The commission will present and narrate artefacts that relate to the female figure, and will focus on the photographic and archival means of disclosing this figure over time.
Oliver Laric, 2012 winner, launched his commission at the end of 2013. Using cutting-edge digital scanning methods, he has rendered historic objects from The Collection and Usher Gallery, Lincoln in highly-detailed 3D. More than 50 objects from the museum's collection have been scanned and put online at, where they can be downloaded for free and used by anyone. The scans reveal decoration and markings in the stonework normally hidden from view. Laric continues to add new scans to the website as an ongoing project.
The Contemporary Art Society encourages museums, galleries and artists to work together to submit a proposal. Museums must be Members of the Contemporary Art Society to be eligible to apply.
–The deadline for proposals is 23 May 2014.
–The shortlist will be announced in June. The 2014 judging panel is to be announced shortly.
–The winners will be announced at a ceremony in London on 17 November 2014.
For more information about how to apply to the 2014 award, contact:Robert Dingle, National Network & Strategic Projects Manager
T +44 (0) 20 7017 8405 /
For all press enquiries, contact:Jenny Prytherch, Communications / T +44 (0) 20 7017 8412
Established in 2009 and generously supported by the Sfumato Foundation, the award offers 40,000 GBP to a regional museum to commission a major new artwork for their permanent collection. The award encourages museums to collaborate with an artist who is not yet well represented in museum collections in this country. The selected artist will gain an important opportunity to work on a high-profile project with nationwide press exposure. The successful museum will acquire an ambitious work of enduring importance both nationally and internationally.
The award is announced each November in a ceremony attended by artists, museum and gallery professionals and key figures from the art world. Previous recipients of the award include Katerina Šedá with The Graves Art Gallery, Museums Sheffield (2009); Luke Fowler with Hepworth Wakefield and Wolverhampton Art Gallery (2010); Christina Mackie with Nottingham Castle Museum & Art Gallery (2011); Oliver Laric with The Collection & Usher Gallery (2012); and last year's winners, Elizabeth Price with the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in partnership with the Pitt Rivers Museum and the Ruskin School of Drawing & Fine Art.
Previous presenters of the award include Grayson Perry, Cornelia Parker, Jeremy Deller and Mark Wallinger.
Elizabeth Price, the 2013 winner, is currently working on her commission for the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in Oxford. Price will create a significant new moving image work that explores the archives and collections of the Ashmolean and Pitt Rivers museums. The commission will present and narrate artefacts that relate to the female figure, and will focus on the photographic and archival means of disclosing this figure over time.
Oliver Laric, 2012 winner, launched his commission at the end of 2013. Using cutting-edge digital scanning methods, he has rendered historic objects from The Collection and Usher Gallery, Lincoln in highly-detailed 3D. More than 50 objects from the museum's collection have been scanned and put online at, where they can be downloaded for free and used by anyone. The scans reveal decoration and markings in the stonework normally hidden from view. Laric continues to add new scans to the website as an ongoing project.
The Contemporary Art Society encourages museums, galleries and artists to work together to submit a proposal. Museums must be Members of the Contemporary Art Society to be eligible to apply.
–The deadline for proposals is 23 May 2014.
–The shortlist will be announced in June. The 2014 judging panel is to be announced shortly.
–The winners will be announced at a ceremony in London on 17 November 2014.
For more information about how to apply to the 2014 award, contact:Robert Dingle, National Network & Strategic Projects Manager
T +44 (0) 20 7017 8405 / robert@contemporaryartsociety.
For all press enquiries, contact:Jenny Prytherch, Communications Managerjenny@contemporaryartsociety.
September 18–21, 2014
Application deadline: March 14
Navy Pier 600 East Grand Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Application deadline: March 14
Navy Pier 600 East Grand Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
EXPO CHICAGO, The International Exposition of Contemporary and Modern Art, is currently accepting applications now through March 14 for the main exposition, EXPOSURE and Special Exhibitions. The third annual exposition returns to Navy Pier's Festival Hall September 18 to 21. Download EXPO CHICAGO/2014 applications here.
Applications will be reviewed by the 2014 Selection Committee for compliance with the quality of artwork and unique booth proposals, maintaining a commitment to excellence by limiting the number of participants. Members of the 2014 Selection Committee (to date) include Isabella Bortolozzi, Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi | Berlin; Christopher D'Amelio, David Zwirner | New York | London; Rhona Hoffman, Rhona Hoffman Gallery | Chicago; Anthony Meier, Anthony Meier Fine Arts | San Francisco; David Nolan, David Nolan Gallery | New York; and Marc Selwyn, Marc Selwyn Fine Art | Los Angeles.
In addition to presenting galleries in the main exposition, EXPO CHICAGO recognizes the importance of emerging galleries and artists. The acclaimed EXPOSURE section affords up to twenty galleries, in business seven years or less, the opportunity to participate in the exposition with special presentations of one or two artists. Additionally, EXPO CHICAGO is proud to offer a limited number of Special Exhibition areas for museums and international not-for-profits.
EXPO CHICAGO remains committed to presenting its critically acclaimed onsite programming including IN/SITU, large-scale, site–specific installations, as well as EXPO VIDEO, a highly curated selection of dynamic and cutting-edge video art presented in conjunction with Columbia College Chicago. Chosen exhibitors of EXPO CHICAGO are welcome to submit proposals for IN/SITU and EXPO VIDEO once they are accepted into the exposition.
With 30,000 visitors attending EXPO CHICAGO, the exposition attracts regional, national and international collectors, curators and art enthusiasts to Chicago each September. In addition to the unwavering support of Chicago's civic and cultural leaders, key events and exhibitions will align with EXPO CHICAGO during EXPO ART WEEK, September 15 to 21, a citywide celebration of art and culture that includes museum exhibitions, gallery openings, installations, public art projects, music, theater and dance performances and special dining experiences.
Northern Trust is the presenting sponsor of EXPO CHICAGO.
Applications will be reviewed by the 2014 Selection Committee for compliance with the quality of artwork and unique booth proposals, maintaining a commitment to excellence by limiting the number of participants. Members of the 2014 Selection Committee (to date) include Isabella Bortolozzi, Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi | Berlin; Christopher D'Amelio, David Zwirner | New York | London; Rhona Hoffman, Rhona Hoffman Gallery | Chicago; Anthony Meier, Anthony Meier Fine Arts | San Francisco; David Nolan, David Nolan Gallery | New York; and Marc Selwyn, Marc Selwyn Fine Art | Los Angeles.
In addition to presenting galleries in the main exposition, EXPO CHICAGO recognizes the importance of emerging galleries and artists. The acclaimed EXPOSURE section affords up to twenty galleries, in business seven years or less, the opportunity to participate in the exposition with special presentations of one or two artists. Additionally, EXPO CHICAGO is proud to offer a limited number of Special Exhibition areas for museums and international not-for-profits.
EXPO CHICAGO remains committed to presenting its critically acclaimed onsite programming including IN/SITU, large-scale, site–specific installations, as well as EXPO VIDEO, a highly curated selection of dynamic and cutting-edge video art presented in conjunction with Columbia College Chicago. Chosen exhibitors of EXPO CHICAGO are welcome to submit proposals for IN/SITU and EXPO VIDEO once they are accepted into the exposition.
With 30,000 visitors attending EXPO CHICAGO, the exposition attracts regional, national and international collectors, curators and art enthusiasts to Chicago each September. In addition to the unwavering support of Chicago's civic and cultural leaders, key events and exhibitions will align with EXPO CHICAGO during EXPO ART WEEK, September 15 to 21, a citywide celebration of art and culture that includes museum exhibitions, gallery openings, installations, public art projects, music, theater and dance performances and special dining experiences.
Northern Trust is the presenting sponsor of EXPO CHICAGO.
Fonte: Art-Agenda
Convocatoria FotoGalería FCE-UNC 2014
Córdoba, Argentina. Hasta el 18 de marzo de 2014.18h
Convocatoria FotoGalería 2014
FotoGalería FCE-UNC
Convocatoria FotoGalería 2014
FotoGalería FCE-UNC
Formulario de Inscripción Aquí
Abierta la Convocatoria FotoGalería 2014
Como todos los años, la FotoGalería FCE-UNC abre su convocatoria anual para la presentación de proyectos de muestras o portfolios personales.
La fecha de cierre de la convocatoria es el 18 de marzo de 2014.
La convocatoria es abierta a personas de cualquier edad y país de residencia, con temática libre. Se podrán presentar portfolios personales (conjunto de imágenes que muestren la obra personal del postulante) los que serán seleccionados para integrar una muestra colectiva, o proyectos de muestras (imágenes, concepto y propuesta curatorial) la que podrá ser seleccionada para presentarse en la galería con el acompañamiento del equipo de trabajo de la FotoGalería. Los portfolios y proyectos (según corresponda) se entregan exclusivamente por correo electrónico a hasta el 18 de marzo.
Consideraciones importantes:
• Se pueden anexar la cantidad de imágenes de referencia que se consideren pertinentes, no hay una cantidad mínima ni una máxima requerida. El tamaño de fotografías también es libre, ya que en caso de ser seleccionado se solicitarán las imágenes en alta calidad de resolución.
En caso de presentar un proyecto de muestra:
• Los proyectos no deben contemplar material audiovisual, la sala no cuenta con equipamiento para su reproducción ni con la seguridad necesaria para la custodia de los equipos necesarios para su preproducción.
• La FotoGalería FCE-UNC cuenta con 30 marcos de 60 x 40cm a disposición de los proyectos que se postulen. Quienes deseen plantear otro tipo de montaje, deberán prever su costo.
• La FotoGalería FCE-UNC se encargará de cubrir los costos de montaje y desmontaje, ploteo de texto con letra de corte, diseño, impresión y distribución de postal de la muestra, difusión de la exposición, vernissage de inauguración y organización de visitas guiadas. Otros requerimientos serán cubiertos por los responsables del proyecto.
Condiciones de entrega:
La entrega se realiza únicamente por vía digital a la casilla de correo: en una carpeta en formato .zip
Portfolios: La carpeta deberá denominarse con el apellido y nombre del postulante (en ese órden), por ej: Oviedo, / Contenido: fotos en formato .jpg
Proyectos: La carpeta deberá denominarse con la palabra “Proyecto” seguido del nombre de la propuesta, por ej: “Proyecto Inmó” / Contenido: fotos en formato .jpg. Proyecto en formato .doc o .pdf
Los resultados de la convocatoria serán comunicados vía correo electrónico a los postulantes y responsables del proyecto, en caso afirmativo y negativo. La comunicación se realizará a medida que el jurado realice la evaluación de cada caso en el mes de abril de 2014.
Fecha de cierre: 18 de marzo 2014. 18 hs
Formulario de inscripción
Características del espacio FotoGalería: AQUÍ
Para mayor información y consultas:
Formulario de inscripción
Características del espacio FotoGalería: AQUÍ
Para mayor información y consultas: fotogaleria@eco.
Fonte: Hipermedula
Feria Chaco 2014, Aplicaciones abiertas!
Santiago de Chile. 1 al 5 de Octubre de 2014.
Feria Chaco 2014
Feria de Arte Contemporáneo
Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho
Feria Chaco 2014
Feria de Arte Contemporáneo
Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho
Condiciones y Formulario de Aplicación Aquí!
Feria Chaco 2014
Santiago de Chile no sólo deslumbra por ser una de las ciudades más pujantes económicamente dentro de Latinoamérica, sino también por su llamativa escena cultural, que ha establecido un nuevo y creciente mercado para el arte contemporáneo, con coleccionistas nacionales e internacionales interesados en invertir.
Es en ese escenario que, por sexta vez, se celebrará Chaco, la Feria de Arte Contemporáneo más importante de Chile, un lugar de encuentro para galerías nacionales e internacionales que, durante sus 5 días de duración, se dedican a la venta de las obras de arte de los artistas que representan.
Feria Chaco 2014 se realizará entre el 1 y 5 de octubre en uno de los ejes patrimoniales de la ciudad: elCentro Cultural Estación Mapocho, la antigua Estación de Trenes de Santiago, que con más de 100 años de existencia, ha sido reconocida con el Premio Internacional Reina Sofía de Conservación y Difusión del Patrimonio Cultural. Es aquí donde año a año asisten curadores y coleccionistas nacionales y extranjeros, invitados de instituciones internacionales, y más de 100 periodistas de Chile y otros países, interesados en dar a conocer las actividades de una de las ferias de Latinoamérica.
Con múltiples actividades como un ciclo de charlas que abordará temáticas entorno al mercado del arte con expertos y referentes internacionales; una muestra de más de una docena de publicaciones nacionales e internacionales dedicadas al diseño, arquitectura y arte; el programa Pop_ Up Spaces, que reúne a espacios artísticos chilenos que, pese a estar fuera de los circuitos comerciales, han dado vida a destacadas propuestas y modelos de autogestión; conciertos de música y performances; concursos artísticos; y un programa VIP que propone una experiencia única para conocer el rostro artístico de Santiago, Feria Chaco 2014 marcará la pauta una vez más en la agenda artística nacional e internacional.
Aplicación Galerías 2014
Como proceder a la aplicación:
1. Descargar el contrato-reglamento 2014
Leer y firmar para aprobar condiciones del contrato; posteriormente transformarlo a PDF.
Verificar los datos para realizar la transferencia bancaria de la cuota de aplicación (200 USD dólares).
Leer y firmar para aprobar condiciones del contrato; posteriormente transformarlo a PDF.
Verificar los datos para realizar la transferencia bancaria de la cuota de aplicación (200 USD dólares).
2. Pinchar el botón “Aplicación” y rellenar el formulario con:
Todos los datos solicitados
El comprobante de pago de la cuota de aplicación
El contrato-reglamento 2014 firmado en PDF.
Todos los datos solicitados
El comprobante de pago de la cuota de aplicación
El contrato-reglamento 2014 firmado en PDF.
Los resultados para la participación a la feria 2014 estarán a cargo de la organización.
Los criterios de selección serán de completa responsabilidad de la organización, siendo definitivos para las galerías que participarán de feria 2014. la organización velará por la calidad y pertinencia de los proyectos que se presenten.
El pago por aplicación no es reembolsable. una vez emitido el pago de aplicación se les enviará el comprobante correspondiente. es indispensable el pago de inscripción us$ 200 mediante transferencia bancaria a cuenta banco bice ( ver información de cuenta en contrato 2014) , este monto no es reembolsable.
Las galerías deben tener como mínimo 3 años de existencia.
Solamente se aceptarán galerías con espacio de exhibición permanente y con al menos 4 exhibiciones por año.
La aplicación acontinuación, no lo selecciona automaticamente para feria 2014. el envío de la aplicación no garantiza la participación en la feria.
Siendo finalizada su aplicación debera aceptar los terminos de participación por medio de reglamento.
Feria confía que toda la información proporcionada por las galerías postulantes es verdadera, cualquier inexactitud en los datos enviados en la aplicación puede ser causa de exclusión de la feria.
Fonte: Hipermedula
Inscrições Bienal Naïfs do Brasil 2014
A Bienal Naïfs do Brasil constitui-se em um evento cultural de grande amplitude e expressiva repercussão em quase todo o país. Realizada pelo Sesc São Paulo desde 1992, na Unidade de Piracicaba, foi criada com o intuito de privilegiar a participação dos artistas plásticos produtores de obras enquadradas na categoria de arte ingênua, espontânea, instintiva,popular, naïf ou naïve que em sua maioria as concebem de maneira autodidata.
As inscrições estarão abertas a partir de 18 de fevereiro.
O regulamento da Bienal está disponível no portal do Sesc Piracicaba.
Para baixar a versão para impressão da ficha de inscrição e regulamento clique aqui: ( Naïfs Naïfs Naïfs)
As inscrições estarão abertas a partir de 18 de fevereiro.
O regulamento da Bienal está disponível no portal do Sesc Piracicaba.
Para baixar a versão para impressão da ficha de inscrição e regulamento clique aqui: (
Bienal Naïfs do Brasil 2014
Secretaria Geral
Tel: 55 19 34379286
Fax: 55 19 34379299
0800 771 6243
Future Generation Art Prize recebe inscrições até abril
A Fundação Victor Pinchuk e o PinchukArtCentre, de Kiev, Ucrânia, recebe até 12/04/14 inscrições para a terceira edição do Future Generation Art Prize. Podem se inscrever artistas de qualquer nacionalidade, com idade inferior a 35 anos. O objetivo do prêmio é consolidar e reconhecer a produção de artistas emergentes de diferentes proveniências. Desde a sua criação, em 2009, o Future tenta desenvolver uma rede de jovens artistas internacionais, contando com a ajuda de conhecidos patronos, como Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Andreas Gursky e Takashi Murakami. Além do aconselhamento e apoio ao artista vencedor, estes patronos apresentam, em cada edição da premiação, uma exposição individual paralela à mostra dos jovens artistas selecionados. Os 20 artistas finalistas serão escolhidos em Junho e participarão no final deste ano na exposição coletiva no PinchukArtCentre. Em Dezembro de 2014 será anunciado o vencedor, que receberá um total de 100 mil dólares. | Mais informações:
Fonte: Mapa das Artes
Edital 2014 do Fundo Internacional para a Diversidade Cultural (FIDC).
Fundo para a Diversidade Cultural recebe projetos
Estão abertas até o dia 23 de abril as inscrições para o Edital 2014 do Fundo Internacional para a Diversidade Cultural (FIDC).
Criado pela Convenção sobre a Proteção e a Promoção da Diversidade das Expressões Culturais, adotada na Unesco em 2005, o Fundo tem como objetivo apoiar programas e projetos de países em desenvolvimento que visem a emergência de um setor cultural dinâmico. As atividades deverão ter um efeito direto sobre a criação, a produção, a distribuição e o acesso a uma diversidade de expressões culturais, bem como o fortalecimento das infraestruturas institucionais, apoiando indústrias culturais viáveis nos níveis local e regional.
Podem participar da seleção projetos apresentados por instituições públicas e por organizações não-governamentais (ONGs) da área da cultura. Cada país pode apresentar à Unesco, no máximo, dois projetos governamentais e dois projetos de ONGs. No Brasil, o processo de pré-seleção nacional é realizado por uma comissão integrada por representantes da Comissão Nacional do Brasil para a Unesco (a cargo do Ministério das Relações Exteriores), do Ministério da Cultura e do Escritório da Unesco no país.
O montante máximo dos pedidos de financiamento é de US$ 100 mil. Na Unesco, os projetos serão avaliados por um painel de seis especialistas nomeados pelo Comitê Intergovernamental da Convenção, formado por 24 países, dentre os quais o Brasil.
A documentação completa, preparada de acordo com as orientações disponíveis no site da Unesco, deverá ser enviada, somente por meio eletrônico, à Divisão de Acordos e Assuntos Multilaterais Culturais do Ministério das Relações Exteriores (DAMC), no endereço, impreterivelmente até o dia 23 de abril. Pedidos de financiamento enviados diretamente à Unesco serão desclassificados.
O formulário de pedidos de financiamento e outras informações poderão ser obtidos no site do Fundo Internacional para a Diversidade Cultural. Os formulários deverão, obrigatoriamente, ser preenchidos em francês ou inglês.
História - Desde 2010, o Fundo Internacional da Diversidade Cultural contemplou 71 projetos em 43 países em desenvolvimento, num investimento total de cerca de 4,6 milhões de dólares. Os projetos cobrem um amplo leque de atividades, desde o desenvolvimento e a implementação de políticas culturais, até o fortalecimento das capacidades dos empreendedores culturais, e o mapeamento e criação de novos modelos econômicos para as indústrias culturais.
O Brasil já teve dois projetos aprovados pelo FIDC. Em 2012, o Ponto de Cultura Vídeo nas Aldeias produziu programas infantis realizados por cineastas indígenas com recursos do Fundo, no valor de US$ 97.550. E, no edital lançado no ano passado, foi aprovado o projeto “E-books Indígenas”, da ONG Thydêwá, que contará com recursos da ordem de US$ 90.950 ao longo de 2014. Trata-se de uma proposta de capacitação digital para 16 integrantes de oito comunidades indígenas, que prevê a realização de oficinas técnicas de produção e distribuição de um livro digital voltado para a divulgação das culturas indígenas do Brasil.
*Com informações do site do Ministério da Cultura
Fonte: Cultura e Mercado
Postagens (Atom)