Affordable Art Fair, New York, 2016 |
It's that time of year again! New Grounds Gallery and Matrix Fine Art will be at the Affordable Art Fair, New York this Spring. This year the exhibition runs March 30 - April 3, 2016 at the Metropolitan Pavilion. We will be in booth 2.3, upstairs. We'll provide more details in our next newsletter, including special discounted ticket information.
Event Rental
Matrix Fine Art is a unique venue available for dinners, parties, rehearsals, dance events, fundraisers, presentations, book signings and more!
 The space is perfect for elegant evening events. We provide the space, your provide the party! We have a sprung wood floor and great sound system for dance parties.
We have room for up to 200 depending on the nature of the party.
Only $30 per hour.
Works from Estates and Collections at Matrix Fine Art
Fritz Scholder; Another Matinee Cowboy(1984); Lithograph; Tamarind No. 84-804; 14 x 11" |
Matrix Fine Art is now featuring works from estates and collections, including pieces by desirable local and internationally known artists. We have a selection on view in the gallery, as part of Old Masters/New Voices this month, which includes pieces by Ben Turner, Fritz Scholder and Frank McCulloch. We are also looking for and representing original pieces on consignment, for resale from collections and estates. Visit our new page devoted to collections for more information.
Did you know you can check theArtscrawl schedule online? Keep up to date on Albuquerque's art scene and see what our great galleries have in store. |
New Grounds - The Manual
for Non-Toxic Printmaking
With materials lists, step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting sections this is the most detailed and comprehensive book on non-toxic etching available. It offers guidance for etchers on all levels and itt is invaluable for those wishing to make the transition from toxic to non-toxic etching. Suited as a textbook for a etching classes.
Regina Held, founder/director of New Grounds
Ray Maseman, printmaker and instructor
Only $ 30
Or stop by the gallery an pick-up your signed copy directly from us.

Why take a printmaking class?
Balance work & play and expand your life with printmaking. Printmaking is much like dance. Learning to dance is fabulous exercise for the brain, but making art keeps your mind constantly stimulated. Creating compositions and exploring color schemes requires floor time and playful dedication. Granted, printmaking attire is not as glamorous as that of a tango dancer. However, there are some hip, form-fitting artist's aprons on the market that will satisfy both fashionistas and the fashion-challenged!
Looking for an exhibition venue?
Matrix Fine Art - a locally-renowned, professional gallery space - is available for solo and/or group shows, memorial exhibitions, estate sales, fundraisers and the like. MFA and BFA Honor thesis shows are welcome; we offer special student rates along with a free educational component on putting together a successful exhibition.
Visit our new, dedicated event and exhibition rental website! |
Dear maria,
Start spring with a spring in your step - sign up for a printmaking class today! Also, New Grounds turns 20 next month. Come celebrate with us on March 4, 5 - 8 pm.
New Grounds Turns 20!
 Our 20th birthday is right around the corner.
Come celebrate with us. Our March 4th First Friday event (5-8 pm) will also feature a special 20-year anniversary party,so save the date now and come celebrate 20 spectacular years of non-toxic printmaking in style.
We will be offering door prizes all evening, as well as a raffle, live music and special treats in honor of this landmark birthday.
Upcoming Workshops:
Introduction to Non-Toxic Gravure/Solarplate Etching - Two Day Workshop
Using Akua Kolor intaglio inks and photopolymer plates, students will learn to create rich and detailed limited edition images either from photographs or from drawings as a substitute for lithography. Gravure was introduced in the 1800's as a way to produce photographic prints and has been revived with the availability of non-toxic supplies.
Class dates: Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 20 and 21, 2016
Class time: 10 AM - 5 PM, includes lunch break
Class fee: $ 200 + tax, includes one small polymer plate, and all printing materials. Additional plates are available to purchase.
Instructor: Regina Held, MFA
Hybrid Printmaking - Two Day Workshop
Hybrid printmaking techniques allow artists to produce vivid, contemporary mixed media prints with a versatile, digital flair. Learn accessible, exciting new ways to use digital images with your existing printmaking (and painting!) techniques-from building beautiful foundations to adding layers and finishing touches.
We will cover several approaches to digital image transfer (including alcohol and Silkjet), digital under-printing and methods of building hybrid prints by combining these techniques with serigraphy and relief printing. Basic serigraphy and lino cut techniques will also be provided so students can practice creating mixed media images in real time. Expect abundant tips for incorporating these hybrid techniques into editions, monotypes, drawings, paintings and other works!
Class dates: Saturday and Sunday, March 12 and 13
Class time: 10 AM - 5 PM, includes lunch break
Class fee: $ 200 + tax, includes most printing materials
Instructor: Ren Adams, MFA
Introduction to Non-toxic Etching - Two Day Workshop
This basic, introductory workshop provides students with all the information they need to create a rich line etching and aquatint using non-toxic methods. Students will learn to prepare their plates, coat them with hardground, etch and print them. We will cover aquatint to create luscious grays similar to those seen in Goya's etchings. This process was originated in the 16th century and was made famous by artists such as Rembrandt and Turner. This workshop is open to students who are just beginning and those who need a refresher course.
Class dates: Saturday and Sunday, March 19 and 20, 2016
Class time: 10 AM - 5 PM, includes lunch break
Class fee: $200 + tax, includes one 3 x 4.5 inch copper plate, proofing paper, and printing materials.
Instructor: Regina Held, MFA
Collagraph Workshop - Two Day Workshop
Translated literally as "collage prints," this medium is for artists who thrive on textures and tactile art-making. Students will use this two day class to construct several different plates and learn a variety of ways to print them.
Class dates: Saturday and Sunday, March 26 and 27
Class time: 10 AM - 5 PM, includes lunch break
Class fee: $ 200 + tax, includes most printing materials
Instructor: Regina Held, MFA
Serigraphy 2 - Two Day Workshop
Serigraphy is the fine art form of screen printing where artists create limited edition prints on paper. Serigraphy sets itself apart from other printmaking techniques for its potential to create rather large and colorful editions. This workshop will cover photo emulsion techniques, multi-screen printing and CMYK printing. It is recommended that students take the "Introduction to Serigraphy" class which covers basic serigraphy techniques.
Class dates: Saturday and Sunday, April 9 and 10
Class time: 10 AM - 5 PM, includes lunch break
Class fee: $ 200 + tax, includes most printing materials
Instructor: Ren Adams, MFA
Monotype- All About Color and Texture! - Two Day Workshop
This workshop will be an in-depth exploration of color printing, stencils, textures, chine colle and more to create layered and richly textured monotypes using water-based Akua-Kolor monotype inks! Chine colle is a beautiful process whereby a print is made onto a thin piece of Asian paper while simultaneously adhering it to a thicker sheet of Western paper. Students will learn to separate and layer color, and to use brayers and paintbrushes to create rich and exciting prints. This class is open to all, but it is recommended that students take the "Introduction to Monotype" class first.
Class dates: Saturday and Sunday, April 16 and 17
Class times: 10 AM - 5 PM, includes lunch break
Class fee: $200 + tax, includes most printing materials
Instructor: Mary Sundstrom, MFA
New Grounds Gallery
Distant Views: Monotypes by Jacob Matteson
Jacob Matteson; Sky and Cliff Walls; 2015; Monotype; 18 x 24" |
Internationally known printmaker Jacob Matteson enchants the eye with his freshest landscape monotypes. Matteson's colorful abstract landscapes invite the viewer to observe the interaction of light, color, shape, pattern, and motion. His unique form of environmental abstraction creates drama, blending multiple places into a dreamlike memory that suggests a moment in time, while resembling familiar terrain. Each surreal horizon is a metaphor of space, location, emotion and even ancient mysticism.
An Albuquerque native, Matteson received his MFA at the University of New Mexico and shows his work regionally, as well as internationally.
Exhibition dates: February 5 - 27, 2016
Sneak Preview: February 2 - 4, 2016
Opening Reception: Friday, February 5, 2016, 5 - 8 pm.
Monotype Demonstration by Jacob Matteson during the opening exhibition - 6:30 - 7:00 pm
Upcoming Exhibitions:
Life Lines - Serigraphs and Linoleum Prints by Knicki Marlof (Canada)
Sueños - Etchings by Enrique Flores
The Physicality of Paint - Paintings by Jessica Kennedy and Alexander Eulert
Jessica Kennedy; Gravitational; 2015; Acrylic on Panel; 12 x 12" |
Jessica Kennedy and Alexander Eulert are process painters who investigate the abstract and organic, architectural and natural with layers that evoke a sense of the micro and macro.
Jessica Kennedy's large-scale, heavily patterned and layered paintings combine oil and acrylic in fascinating ways. Kennedy's love of action, and the physicality of paint are the driving forces behind her work and the natural world is her primary source of inspiration. She considers animals, the human body, and plant life as she generates painted worlds in which a single object (her painting) attempts to embody all three simultaneously. In this imaginative space, Kennedy depicts scenes that could take place in a rainforest, a pond, a laboratory, or inside the human body.
Kennedy received her MFA in Painting and Drawing from the University of New Mexico and her BFA from the University of Michigan School of Art & Design. She currently lives and works in New Mexico.
Alex Eulert's paintings are abstract worlds-delicate and dynamic string lines of paint buzz and trickle around often-bold bands of color, evoking emotional states and natural phenomena. The cubical forms are suggestive of monoliths, pueblos, golden-green fields, unearthed inlaid armor from a Homeric poem-or, at times, technology. He draws his inspiration from a lifelong fascination with man as an integral part of nature, his manipulation of it and nature's process of reclaiming human creations with the passage of Time. Process oriented and expressionistically inclined, Eulert skillfully explores the confluence between geology and archaeology, denoting a benevolent interplay between the natural and the man made.
Eulert received a Foundation in Graphics and Illustration from Cambridge Arts and Sciences-where he was awarded the highest level of Distinction-and then moved to London to complete a BA (Hons) in Silversmithing and Metalwork at Camberwell. College of Arts, University of the Arts London (formerly The London Institute).
Exhibition dates: February 5 - 27, 2016
Sneak Preview: February 2 - 4, 2016
Opening Reception: Friday, February 5, 2016, 5 - 8 pm.
Upcoming Exhibitions:
The Contemporary Figure in Painting
Japanese Masters in Printmaking - Ando Shinji and Takahiko Hayashi
Changes are coming to Central Ave - use our back parking lot! The City of Albuquerque is gearing up for the Central Avenue Albuquerque Rapid Transit Project, which will dramatically affect traffic on Central Ave. Though they have not begun work near New Grounds yet, we are including this friendly reminder to prevent future headaches as construction draws closer. Don't be shy about using our rear parking lot and back entrance! Ring the doorbell and we'll let you in. As traffic gets rough during the major construction windows, the back entrance will likely be the only accessible point for our art complex, so please start making use of it now.
New Grounds Print Workshop -
Rates and Services
FULL STUDIO MEMBERSHIP: Fee covers unlimited access during hours of operation, some supplies including ink, class discounts and gallery representation.
$ 185 per month with 12 month contract.
Fee covers unlimited access during hours of operation and some supplies including ink.
1 Month (up to 30 consecutive days): $ 450
3 Months: $ 350 per month
6 Months: $ 285 per month
HOURLY PRESS RENTAL: Includes some supplies. Artists need to be able to work independently and do their own printing and clean-up.
Rate: $ 25 per hour; four hour minimum
Pre-paid punch cards available for press rental time!!
$250 + tax for 14 hour increments.
Please call ahead of time to make press reservation.
1 Day Press Rental:
$120 for 7 consecutive hours
Summer Special June - August:
$ 175 for two consecutive days.
Let our master printer assist you with monotypes, or print your editions in gravure, relief or etching. Plate-making service available for photogravure.
Rate: $35 per hour (plus sales tax); quotes for projects available.
FRAMING is offered at reasonable rates. Quotes available.