concursos, exposições, curiosidades... sobre arte
escolhidos por MARIA PINTO
(Maria Regina Pinto Pereira)

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

as cidades - fotografias Douglas Fischer - MARGS - RS

Fall 2015 Exhibitions - Boston University Art Galleries - USA

Fall 2015 Exhibition and Opening Reception Schedule
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BU Art Gallery

Fall 2015 Exhibitions

The newly configured Boston University Art Galleries, comprised of the Stone, 808, Annex, and Sherman Galleries, is pleased to announce the fall semester exhibition schedule.
Hiroshima Panels
A Call for Peace: 
Iri and Toshi Maruki’s Hiroshima Panels & Artifacts from the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

September 11 – October 18, 2015
Stone Gallery - 855 Commonwealth Avenue

Opening Reception: September 10th, 6pm-8pm

In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, A Call for Peace presents six of the fifteen Hiroshima Panels by Iri and Toshi Maruki and artifacts collected from the detonation sites lent by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. The Marukis, Nobel Peace Prize nominees in 1995,
produced the paintings over thirty years and were the subject of the 1986 Academy nominated documentary Hellfire: A Journey from Hiroshima. The panels represent recollections from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, “where hell and the modern age fused in August 1945.” These impressive pieces are famous throughout Japan and have been exhibited in more than twenty nations worldwide.
Iri Maruki & Toshi Maruki, Hiroshima Panels X ‘Petition’ (Detail), 1955, Paper, Indian ink, Coloring, 71 x 283”
Courtesy of Maruki Gallery for the Hiroshima Panels
Ariel Freiberg
Ariel Freiberg: Unquenchable Thirst
September 11 – October 25, 2015
Sherman Gallery
755 Commonwealth Avenue

Opening Reception:
Friday, September 11, 6-7:30pm 

Ariel Freiberg’s recent work confronts idealized representations of gendered identities. In her lush and sensuous canvases, Freiberg depicts women’s faces that appear to blend into or emerge out of abstractly painted veils. From painted shards or tears emerge fragments of facial expressions—such as a flash of a parted lip or a slice of an alluring glance—that become signifiers of constructed female beauty. Freiberg’s paintings hesitate, creating tension between that which is depicted and that what remains unseen.
Bedouin Ring, 2015
Oil, ground bone, iridescence on linen
48" x 36"

Willie Cole
September 24 – December 4, 2015
808 Gallery
808 Commonwealth Avenue

Opening Reception:
Thursday, September 24th, 6-8pm

Internationally renowned artist Willie Cole creates sculptures and installations that alter everyday materials, such as irons, shoes, and bicycles, into layered artworks with multiple autobiographical, art-historical, and socio-political meanings. In AQUAHALLIC, Cole presents a series of chandeliers and a Cadillac Eldorado, created specifically for the exhibition, made from repurposed plastic water bottles. In these works, Cole both transforms and exploits the objects’ previous associations to realize new forms that speak to the paradox of the impact of plastic upon the environment and water as the ultimate life force. Additionally, the work in AQUAHALLIC responds to the history and architecture of the 808 Gallery.
Image credit:  Ellen Denuto

Follow our exhibition and event information here

Printer’s Proof: Thirty Years at Wingate Studio
October 30 – December 13, 2015
Stone Gallery
Raul Gonzalez III: Regalo 
October 30 – December 13, 2015
The Annex
Hannah Cole: Caring for Surfaces 
November 6 – December 18, 2015
Sherman Gallery

808 Commonwealth Avenue

George Sherman Union
775 Commonwealth Avenue, Second Floor
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday: 12 - 5pm
808 and Stone Gallery open until 8pm on Thursdays
Closed Mondays and major holidays

Our mailing address is:
Boston University Art Gallery
855 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02215

Add us to your address book

quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2015

Los maestros del Arte Gráfico italiano. Matrices de los siglos XVI al XX de las colecciones del Instituto Central de Gráfica de Roma - Burnos Aires -Argentina

No Museu Nacional de belas artes se inicia em 25 de agosto a exposição  "os mestres da arte gráfica italiana. - matrizes dos séculos XVI ao XX das coleções do Instituto Central de Gráfica de Roma".

Nesta exposição mostra-se a produção gráfica italiana que vai desde as primeiras manifestações renascentistas até a época contemporânea, bem como as diferentes técnicas calcográficas:  buril,  aguaforte,  ponta seca e  aguatinta.

O Instituto Central de Gráfica de Roma preserva e valoriza centenas de impressões, desenhos, fotografias, vídeos e mais de vinte mil chapas para a impressão e negativos fotográficos .

Imagens das obras estarão nas salas 11, 12 e 13 do andar térreo e poderão ser visitadas até 25 de outubro.

Mais informações em:…/los-maestros-del-arte-grafico-italiano

25 de agosto "Los maestros del Arte Gráfico italiano. Matrices de los siglos XVI al XX de las colecciones del Instituto Central de Gráfica de Roma".

En esta exposición se muestra la producción gráfica italiana que va desde las primeras expresiones renacentistas hasta la época contemporánea, y se desarrolla a través de distintas técnicas calcográficas como el perfil grabado con buril, el aguafuerte, la punta seca y el aguatinta.

El Instituto Nacional para la Gráfica, del Ministerio Italiano para los Bienes y las Actividades Culturales, institución de la cual provienen las obras, conserva y valoriza centenares de impresiones, diseños, fotografías, videos, más de veinte mil planchas para la impresión y negativos fotográficos.

Las obras serán exhibidas en las salas 11, 12 y 13 de la planta baja y podrán visitarse hasta el 25 de octubre.

Más información en:

Prêmio Ibema Gravura

Faltam só 2 meses para o término das inscrições.

Garanta já a sua.

Atlanta Print Biennial

Atlanta Print Biennial
Atlanta Printmakers Studio
℅ Atlanta Print Biennial
675 Metropolitan Pkwy SW
Suite 6026
Atlanta, GA 30310

Make Checks Payable To: Atlanta Printmakers Studio
Entry Deadline: 9/11/15
Days remaining to deadline: 23


Images - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 3
Total Media - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 3

Entry Fee (Atlanta Print Biennial): $35.00

Atlanta Print Biennial

The Atlanta Print Biennial is an international juried exhibition, open to all artists working in hand-pulled printmaking processes. Purchase awards and prizes will be given.

The exhibit is organized by Atlanta Printmakers Studio and hosted by Kai Lin Art, a contemporary art gallery located in the vibrant Westside District of Midtown Atlanta, GA.

Juried by Art Werger, internationally known master of aquatint, color intaglio and mezzotint. Werger has been exhibiting for over thirty years and has received over two hundred awards. He is known for his aerial imagery of cities and suburban scenes as well as for his prolific narrative mezzotints. Werger is Professor of Art in the Printmaking program at Ohio University, where he has served as the Foundations Chair and Chair of Printmaking.


  • All submissions must be made online via
  • The Atlanta Print Biennial is open to all artists over the age of 18 working in print media.
  • Artists may submit up to 3 pieces at the $35 application fee on
  • Atlanta Printmakers Studio members receive a $10 discount. Contact for coupon code or to become a member.
  • Please make sure that submitted images are clear, professionally presented, and accurately represent the work.
  • Work must incorporate at least one hand-pulled printmaking process. Mixed media works are welcome. No exclusively digital prints or photographs will be accepted.
  • Framed measurements may not exceed 30 x 40 inches (76.2 x 101.6 centimeters).
  • Entry deadline is Friday, September 11, 2015 at 12 Midnight in Mountain Time Zone.

  • Artists will be notified of their selection after September 30, 2015.
  • Accepted work will be exhibited at Kai Lin Art and must remain on display for the duration of the exhibition.
  • Any work that differs significantly from the entry images or suffers from poor presentation will be disqualified.
  • All work must be professionally framed, wired and ready to hang. Atlanta Printmakers Studio and Kai Lin Art have the right to refuse any work that is too fragile or not properly ready for display.
  • By submitting artwork, the artist agrees that Atlanta Printmakers Studio and Kai Lin Art can use images of selected artwork and the submitted text for promotions and publications.

  • All work must be received between October 20-24, 2015 and be ready to install.
  • Artwork may be hand delivered or shipped via common carrier to Kai Lin Art.
  • Artwork will be available for pick up or return shipping after December 2, 2015.
  • All shipping and insurance costs are the responsibility of the artist. Return shipping must be paid for and arranged by the artist. Atlanta Printmakers Studio or Kai Lin Art does not provide insurance.
  • Each work must have a label attached to the back that includes name, phone, email, title, price, and media. Value listed on CaFÉ should be the amount of the final framed print that the gallery will use to sell the artwork.
  • When packaging work for shipping please keep in mind the non-paid interns who will have to repack the work. Please pack with reusable bubble wrap and cardboard. No styrofoam peanuts.
  • Detailed Shipping/Delivery instructions will be sent to accepted artists.

Purchase awards, gift certificates and cash prizes will be announced during the opening reception on November 6, 2015.
Sales will be encouraged. Artists will receive 50% of retail price, consigned with Kai Lin Art.

September 11, 2015: Entry Deadline
September 30, 2015: Notifications sent by email
October 20-24, 2015: Artwork due at Kai Lin Art
November 1-30, 2015: Exhibition Dates
November 6, 2015: Opening reception

terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2015

Editais do Fundo Nacional da Cultura

Editais do Fundo Nacional da Cultura

Conheça os editais em aberto do Ministério da Cultura (MinC) e instituições vinculadas. 

Secretaria da Cidadania e da Diversidade Cultural (SCDC) e Secretaria do Audiovisual (SAv)


Secretaria da Cidadania e da Diversidade Cultural (SCDC) 


Fundação Nacional de Artes (Funarte)


Secretaria de Fomento e Incentivo à Cultura (Sefic)

Oficinas de orientação sobre os editais de Pontos de Mídia Livre, de Pontos de Cultura Indígena e de Cultura de Redes

Para fornecer informações e tirar dúvidas dos interessados em participar dos editais de Pontos de Mídia Livre, Pontos de Cultura Indígenas e Cultura de Redes, o Ministério da Cultura promoverá oficinas em diversas cidades do Brasil.
Confira neste link a programação já confirmada por estado.

Sobre o Fundo Nacional da Cultura (FNC)

Os recursos para pagamentos das premiações dos editais desta página são oriundos do Fundo Nacional da Cultura (FNC), criado pela Lei 8.313/1991, a Lei Rouanet. Ele deve garantir a oferta de apoio financeiros em linhas de incentivo que se comprometam com a descentralização regional, setorial e estética, abarcando as mais variadas expressões culturais brasileiras, potencializando toda a rede produtiva e promovendo a liberdade de criação.

palestras com Norberto Stori - aquarelas do tradicional ao contemporâneo - Campinas - SP

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Lançamento do livro SUPERDICAS SOBRE ARTE de Constnaça Lucas - Livraria Cultura -Conjunto Nacional - SP

Lançamento do livro SUPERDICAS SOBRE ARTE
dia 22 de agosto 2015, sábadona Livraria Cultura – Mezanino da Loja de Artes,
Conjunto Nacional - Av Paulista –São Paulo
das 16h00 às 19h30

Superdicas Sobre Arte
Os textos deste livro são um convite para viajarmos pelo universo das artes visuais, pistas sobre experiências e reflexões de vida interior e exterior através do contato com produções artísticas de várias épocas.
Neste livro o leitor irá encontrar um conjunto de informações sobre conceitos de arte que fazem parte da cultura do nosso tempo, mas nem sempre são de entendimento imediato.
Há perguntas que todos nós fazemos ao visitarmos uma exposição, ao depararmos com uma intervenção artística na rua ou ao lermos uma notícia sobre arte nas revistas, nos jornais, na internet...
A arte é a memória coletiva da humanidade, a memória e a imaginação aproximam as pessoas que partilham experiências artísticas no cotidiano.
A arte nas suas múltiplas vozes, seus processos de criação e fruição poética que nos proporcionam as obras de arte, seus materiais e técnicas artísticas.
Nas escolas, o estudo da arte e a prática artística contribuem para o desenvolvimento de percepções e tornam os estudantes mais atentos ao conhecimento, assim como os capacita a serem cidadãos críticos e mais humanos.
Os artistas transmitem o que pensam e sentem através das obras de arte, motivados por acontecimentos, emoções, saberes, aprendizados, experimentações e tentativas nos seus processos criativos.
Nesta obra pretendo construir diálogos e criar aproximações com a arte e os processos criativos. Trazendo para o leitor possibilidades de se iniciar em alguns aspectos da arte, e, assim, se inserir de forma mais atenta e sensível no seu contexto artístico e cultural.
Constança Lucas

Título: Superdicas Sobre Arte
Autora: Constança Lucas
Editora Saraiva

Preço: R$14,90
136 páginas
Formato: 15 cm X 10 cm x 1 cm
ISBN: 9788502631946

Profa. Dra. Constança Maria Lima de Almeida Lucas
IMAGEM e PALAVRA- Constança Lucas

SINGAPORE 2015 World Stamp Exhibition.

An exhibitor displays the printing plate for the 1847 Mauritius "Post Office" stamp at the World Stamp Exhibition in Singapore on August 13, 2015. Singapore is hosting the World Stamp Exhibition, one of the world's most high-profile philatelic event, from August 14-19. The event is held under the patronage of the Federation Internationale de Philatelie. AFP PHOTO / ROSLAN RAHMAN. 
  • news_update.php?section=2015news&news_id=12
  • news_update.php?section=2015news&news_id=11
  • exhibitor.php?section=accepted_exhibits&sort=class
  • juror.php
  • the_show.php?section=mascots
  • trade.php?section=trade_manual
  • news_update.php?section=2015news&news_id=6

  • news_update.php?section=2015news&news_id=6

Special Prizes

These special prizes are donated by the various Philatelic Bodies from all over the world in support of SINGAPORE 2015.
The SINGAPORE 2015 committee would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the donors for their generosity and the support for the show. 

We welcome donation of special prizes from the Philatelic Bodies. Interested party, please write to 


Federación Argentina de Entidades Filatelicas


Royal Belgian Philatelic Society


Union of Bulgarian Philatelists


All-China Philatelic Federation


Mr. Li Zhifei, National Commissioner for China


Chinese Taipei Philatelic Federation


Colombian Philatelic Federation


Federation of Entidades Filatelicas of Costa Rica


Cyprus Philatelic Society


Asociación Filatelica Ecuatorina


Fédération Française des Associations Philatéliques


Federation of German Philatelists


Hong Kong Philatelic Society


National Federation of Hungarian Philatelists


Philatelic Congress for India


Indonesian Philatelists Association


Mr Rachmat Asaad, National Commissioner for Indonesia


Israeli Philatelic Federation


Philatelic Federation of Japan


Philatelic Federation of Korea


Kuwait Philatelic Society


Dr Jan Huys-berlingin


Dato Anuar Bashah


Philatelic Society of Malaysia


Mr Tomo Katuric, National Commissioner for Montenegro


Mr Shankar Shrestha, National Commissioner for Nepal


New Zealand Philatelic Federation


Norway Phil. Federation


Philatelic Federation of Pakistan


Sultan Mahmud, National Comissioner for Pakistan


Polish Philatelists Union


Qatar Philatelic & Numismatic Club


Union of Philatelists of Russia


Union of Philatelists of Serbia


Dr Yau Khai Weng, Chairman of Exhibit Sub-committee


Mr Richard Tan, President of Association of Singapore Philatelists


Slovenian Philatelic Federation


Spanish Federation of Philately


Philatelic Society of Sri Lanka


Mr Jean-Jacques Tillard


The Swedish Philatelic Federation


Swiss Federation of Philatelic Societies


Dr Prakob Chirakiti, President of the Philatelic Association of Thailand


The Philatelic Association of Thailand


Mr Turhan Turgut


Philatelic Societies of Turkey


Emirates Philatelic Association




American Philatelic Society