Over the last decade, it has become impossible to ignore the sheer multiplicity of artistic styles, mediums and manufacturing processes that have come to characterize contemporary printmaking. Production and reproduction technologies have allowed artists to consistently push the boundaries of self-expression and work in an unprecedented range of new formats. However, the relentless pace of innovation and experimental research has instigated an equally radical counterforce; while some artists have fully embraced this digital revolution, a growing number remain unconvinced of its technical value and struggle to defend the merits of more normative modes of printmaking.
This growing polarization between traditional and digital/experimental techniques hence brings about new preeminent interrogations within the field of printmaking: How can digital technologies and reproduction systems claim their rightful place in a longstanding tradition of artistic experience and imagination? Similarly, how can traditional methods of printmaking assure the craft’s ongoing continuation without becoming mere nostalgic reenactment, composites of an increasingly archaic form of expression?
The Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak is an annual exhibition whose aim is to contextualize this discussion and frame it on a broader stage. As a month long event in the historical town of Kazanlak, Bulgaria (near the former Thracian town of Seuthopolis), the Contemporary Miniprint invites international artists to submit works holistically addressing the diversity and open-endedness of the creative process of printmaking. As the medium is not a substitute for content, artists are encouraged to submit either traditional or experimental/digital prints which demonstrate high quality and artistic/conceptual depth.
Upon reception of the entries, an international jury will curate the art show and appoint two ex-aequo winning artists, jointly invited to send additional prints to be featured alongside the exhibition for the complete duration of the event. The exhibition will open on the first day of the renowned Rose Festival, a century old tradition and one of Bulgaria’s most celebrated events both locally and internationally. The format and timeframe of the Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak hence aims to provide a platform for artists, curators, collectors and art lovers to gather and exchange ideas, in turn generating knowledge and insight on the disciplinary legacy of printmaking.
The Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak is an annual event open internationally to all artists over the age of 18, working in traditional printmaking techniques and/or working in experimental digital print-making and mixed-media techniques.
All fine-art printmaking mediums and tendencies are acceptable, including relief, lithography, silkscreen, intaglio, monotype and original digital media. Photography and direct copy reproduction of artworks will not be accepted. All artists must agree to the entry terms and conditions hereby outlined.
Electronic ‘early bird’ registration begins: October 20, 2013
End of ‘early bird’ registration: December 31, 2013
Electronic ‘regular’ registration begins January 01, 2014
End of registration: April 20, 2014
End of the jury selection process: April 25, 2014
Deadline for the reception of selected works: May 25, 2014
Exhibition opening: June 1, 2014
Exhibition closing: June 30, 2014
Unsold exhibited works will be returned by regular mail by July 31, 2014
During the ‘early bird’ and regular registration periods, artists are required to complete and send the registration form via email to admin@miniprintkazanlak.org.
Artists should attach images of up to 3 works, in JPEG digital format. Sent images may be used for promotional purposes and need to attached at a 10 x 10 cm (4 x 4 inches) image size, 300 dpi resolution (please review the ‘Artist Agreement’ subsection below). Each JPEG image shall bear a description according to the following format:
Last name_First name_Title.jpg (example: Smith_John_Untitled2.jpg)
A Curriculum Vitae should accompany the works, including the name, date and place of birth. Additionally, a proof of entry fee payment should be included (ex: screenshot from PayPal confirmation page with confirmation number).
Submitted works should have an original format inferior to 10 x 10 cm (4 x 4 inch). Their support should be inferior to 19 x 19 cm (7.5 x 7.5 inch).
Entries and registration forms received after April 15, 2014 will not be considered for the exhibition stage and will not be reviewed by the jury.
Entries sent before January 31, 2014 will be reviewed under the ‘early bird’ registration period. An ‘early bird’ registration fee of 50 Euros should be made payable to Miniprint Kazanlak up until and including December 31, 2014.
Entries sent from January 01, 2014 to April 15, 2014 will be reviewed under the regular registration period. A registration fee of 60 Euros should be made payable to Miniprint Kazanlak up until and including April 15, 2014.
The entry fee covers handling of the works, jurying, return postage of the selected works and a digital version of Exhibition Catalog DVD.
(see past editions of the catalogue at www.blurb.ca/b/4455266-miniprint-kazanlak-catalogue-2013)
Payments can be made through PayPal by clicking on the link on the Registration page (http://miniprintkazanlak.org/Registration-Form) and following the instructions. If payment and payment confirmation for the submitted entries has not been received by April 15, 2014, the works will no longer be considered for the exhibition and will not be reviewed by the jury.
Money should not be sent in letters or parcels. We do not accept cheques. The aforementioned entry fees are non-refundable regardless of whether or not the works are accepted for the exhibition.
From April 15, 2014 to April 25, 2014, all submitted works will be reviewed by an international jury of professionals in the field of engraving, presided by the direction of the Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak in collaboration with the city of Kazanlak’s administrative council.
All entrants shall be notified of the selected artists/works through a judging result notice and will receive an ‘exhibition form’ by email no later than April 25, 2014. The names of the accepted artists will also be posted on our website http://www.miniprintkazanlak.org (telephone calls regarding the results will not be accepted).
Additionally to accepting works for the exhibition, the jury shall award two joint First prizes and up to 3 honorary mentions.
The first prizes will be awarded as such: First prize in traditional printmaking and First prize in experimental printmaking/mixed media/digital media. Both awarded artists will be invited to send a portfolio of additional works (up to 15) and will be featured in solo exhibitions alongside the Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak during the complete duration of the event. The names of the winning artists will also be made public at the prize-giving ceremony which will be held on June 1, 2014. All participants of the exhibition will also receive a personal invitation to the opening, as well as a free exhibition catalogue (DVD).
The decisions of the selection and award jury are final and are not subject to appeal.
All selected artists for the exhibition stage shall send originals of the same works which have been reviewed by the selection and award jury during the selection stage. Modifying the works in any way as to their dimension, technique or printing quality shall be considered as a violation of the regulations, and the corresponding artworks shall no longer be considered for the exhibition.
Selected works should be sent to the address specified in the acceptance email. They can start arriving by April 26, 2014 and no later than May 25, 2014. Entries arriving after the application deadline or differing from those reviewed during the selection stage shall be returned to sender at his/her expense.
All sent packages shall include the exhibition tab form (included in the acceptance email) attached lightly at the back of each work. Works sent together should all include an individual corresponding exhibition tab duly completed. Overseas entries should be sent by registered air-mail as “Printed Matter” in a simple packet, without glass, frame or passe-partout, bearing the declaration “No Commercial Value”. Graphic works in heavy packaging, works in frames/glass/passe-partout should not be sent. Only works properly packed and protected adequately for the transport of appropriate fragile print materials (ex: inserted between 2 sturdy flat boards) shall be accepted.
The organizers do not take responsibility for damages occurring during transportation of the works or due to defective packing. It is the applicant’s responsibility to insure his/her works if desired; the organizers shall not insure the works for the time of transportation and storage. All works are sent at the expense of the participants of the exhibition (unsold works will be returned at the expense of the organisers). All participants are required to confirm their copyrights to the submitted works in the registration form.
The acceptance into the Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak exhibition constitutes an agreement by the artists to:
- exhibit his prints
- entrust the works to the organizers for their presentation in the exhibition until the end of July 2014
- agree to the publication of selected works on TV, the press, the internet and any other media as well as in other printed or recorded forms such as bulletins, catalogues, video and CD/DVD prepared to promote the main exhibition and accompanying events. Reproduction may also be used by Miniprint Kazanlak in order to promote activity (selected artists shall be credited accordingly).
The Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak 2014 exhibition will open on June 1, 2014 and will be featured at the gallery until June 30, 2014. All works exhibited during the Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak will be made for sale during the integral length of the event at prices set by the each artist in his/her corresponding exhibition tabs.
* For the second edition of the Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak, the 30% commission fee has exceptionally been waived off: The 2014 edition of the Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak shall not include a commission fee and artists shall retain 100% of the set value on sold artworks.
Unsold works having taken part in the exhibition shall be returned to the sender’s address (provided in the registration form) in their original packages at the end of the exhibition cycle in late July. Local artists will be invited to recollect their works in person. Works returned by regular mail shall be made at the expense of the organizers.
If the artist does not inform the organizers in writing about any change of address and the package returns to the organizers, subsequent deliveries shall be made at the expense of the artists after his covering of the initial shipping expenses.
Although the prints will always be handled with the greatest care, the organizers will not be responsible for any loss or damage during transit or handling.
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Please review our Entry Conditions before submitting the registration form and entry fees.
REGISTRATION FORM (send to admin@miniprintkazanlak.org):
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